Corporate Health CheckUp
O2 Patient Care centres provide a wide range of health screening solutions along with value added services that include state-of-the-art pathology and consultation services. In today's hectic lifestyle where stress breeds many silent diseases, a thorough check up is the easiest way to detect and fight disease before it's too late.
O2 Employee Healthcare Packages are specifically designed keeping in mind that not all diseases produce early warning signs and aim to provide accurate detection of such diseases. With an array of screening packages to suit individual needs, these packages cover a spectrum of tests and comes at a very attractive price.
1- O2 Executive Health check-up
Corporate lifestyles are changing and so are the disease patterns. Stress, lack of exercise, poor diet and work pressure make periodic Health check-up a must. Remember that timely detection can ensure you a long and healthy life ahead.Recommended age group: 30-60 years.
2- O2 Pre-Employment Health Check-ups
It involves basic investigations required to determine the candidate's medical fitness for employment. It gives the employer an assurance on candidate's overall state of health.Buy Corporate Health Check-up package to keep yourself on top of the fitness chart
3- O2 Preventive/General Health check-ups
In today's fast paced lifestyle, we are often too busy to pay attention to our health and as a result often fall prey to many silent diseases. Get a regular check-up today and ensure good health at the earliest.Recommended age group: 20-35 years